Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.
William Morris
About Fenestra
Hilary Solt founded Fenestra in the 1980s world of swags and tails, and apricot Austrian blinds, trimmed and frilled. The business aimed to provide corporate and private clients with exactly the interiors they wanted in terms of both aesthetics and function. Styles may have changed since then, but the aim remains the same.

Hilary Solt
Fenestra is all about helping people to make decisions. Some people need confidence; some need reining in; some need their ideas translated; some need their dreams made for them. And some people just want to come home and find the work done.
Hilary, being ‘The Gadget Queen’, can also give ideas on state-of-the-art technology for the home.
Fenestra holds accounts with all the major fabric companies, including Colefax and Fowler, Romo, GP & J Baker, Nobilis, Jab Anstoetz, Zimmer & Rohde, Clarke & Clarke and Designers Guild, to name but a few.
If you want style that works and has your signature, call Hilary.
A gallery of images from recently completed commissions
Click on an image to view it at a larger size

I would love to hear about your project.
Please call me on 07931 516910. Or, send me a message using the form below.